
Monday, March 26, 2012

The Most Successful Classroom Management Strategies

Similar to any other format of productivity, classrooms need effective management. Just as a business requires clear and structured control, so does a lesson. Therefore, the question is which are recognized as the most effective and successful classroom management strategies?Establishing an efficient management strategy right from the off is absolutely essential for any teacher. The concept itself is something that presents the most challenge to a newly qualified teacher, perhaps in their first job. Essentially, a teacher must define a balanced, fair, yet disciplined method. They must find a method that allows for enjoyment and comfort, but not so much as to allow defiance and laziness.This is by no means an easy balance to pin point. By coming over too strict, students are not enjoying nor engaging with the material they are learning. The psychology states that humans have a tendency to rebel against forceful rules. In the same respect, not enough discipline can equate to nothing more than students taking control of the teacher and any sort of learning is out of the question.Effective classroom management strategies should feature a variety of key components. An important thing to remember is that absolute fairness must be established with each student. Students themselves have an uncanny ability of flagging up what they deem as unfairness. This does not bode well if a teacher is hoping to receive respect. Therefore, make sure that all students are treated fairly, no favoritism and no labeling.
A huge part of effective classroom management is a teacher's ability to deal with disruptions and potential confrontation. Dealing with a disruption immediately is certainly the most effective. Moreover, handling the disruption with absolute minimal interruption is imperative. Instead of stopping mid flow and reprimanding the student, simply reclaim the student's attention by asking them a question on the topic. This allows a quick and subtle way of eradicating the disruption.Not only is minimal interruption required, but resolving a disruption by using a small dose of humor is a great way to prevent any sort of heated confrontation. Although this strategy can be greatly effective in a prompt defusal of the disruption, make sure not to be patronizing or offensive when using humor. Damaging the teacher-student relationship will only complicate the classroom management tenfold.Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that a teacher will go through their career without a confrontation from a student. Nevertheless, this should not be of any concern. The best thing is to try and avoid any confrontation in front of a class. Although sometimes, depending on a student's temperament, this can be unavoidable, always offer your time at the end of class to resolve any issues. This is far, far better than engaging in an argument with the student in front of the rest of class.Always assure that a lesson is well planned out in advance, with no free time that could open up windows of opportunity for disruption and loss of concentration.Most importantly however, consistency is the absolute foundation to successful classroom management. By acting consistently in every aspect of your strategy, you are ensuring you receive respect that you deserve.
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